Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I am kind of excited. I was stressed out about the possibility of working full-time again. I met with someone today at CCSN to see what would be required of me if I went full-time. I would teach 2 fundamental clinicals on Monday, one on Thurs. night and 1 on Sat morning. This means that we only need a babysitter for Monday. The kids would be almost to bed on Thurs when I teach and would have just woken up for several hours on Sat when I return. This is not bad at all. K.C. will get about $22,000 off of his tuition a year (his tuition yearly is normally about 32,000). We will have full benefits, and I am off for 2 months of the year. This makes me happy because I will be able to help our family financially, but not be away from the kids much. If I am away from the kids, K.C. would be watching them most of the time. I am so happy I obtained my education because it really helps with situations like the one we are in. You never know when you might have to work.

We have our little Halloween decorations up. The day after Halloween, I want to go to some of the stores to purchase some more Halloween decorations. I am excited about carving pumpkins this year. Kobi is actually old enough to help. He is so excited as well. Kobi is going to be the Grimm Reaper and Xayla is going to be an Angel for Halloween. It is going to be so much fun.

Kobi just received his first progress report. He actually did well. I am so proud of him. All of our hard work and extra homework time is actually paying off. We have been using a sticker reward chart system. It has actually been helping.

We came back from K.C.'s Granmother's funeral. It was nice seeing all of his family from his Father's side again. I had never been to a LDS funeral. It was peaceful. K.C. has such a big family. His family is pretty close. They frequently have family reunions. I love that. My family has never had a family reunion. I wish our family was closer, but I will make sure that my immediate family is close.


Michelle said...

K.C. has such a cute family! I'm happy to see that you decided to blog. It looks so pretty where you were in California.

Ipuna Black said...

No. Blanding, Ut. A really small town, where everybody knows everybody.:)