Sunday, June 14, 2009


So, we have been having a lot going on. The good news is we are staying in Las Vegas. K.C. The other good news is that we are embarcking on another adventure. We are moving from the East side of town to the South end of town. If anyone wants to help us move, we are moving next Saturday, June 20th, at 0700 AM. K.C. likes to get an early start on things. If you know where we live, come join us. We are moving in a house that is on Wigwam in between Valle Verde and Green Valley Parkway. I hate moving, but at least it makes me dejunk.....and boy do I need to dejunk.
K.C. got a job at Desert Dental. Hopefully, he will be partners in about 6 months. His job is off of Valle Verde and the 215. Here is the website:
He should be added to the website shortly. If you need a great Dentist in Las Vegas, come see my hubby! He starts June 26th. That is why we are moving so quickly. So exciting!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Cheerleading and Football done and fun

Xayla got a medal and some flowers now that Cheerleading is done.

Kobi and Coach. We loved the Jaguars!

So, we decided to have some fun. Sara and I got into K.C.'s pants. So funny. (And yes, I needed to pump :))
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Dance and fun

Xayla had her first recital. What fun. Cute outfits. Nice, now she has a Halloween outfit :)

She loves playing goalie.
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