Friday, March 21, 2008


My camera died so I'm waiting for my new one to come in the mail. I had a friend, Cortney, lend me hers just in case I have the baby before my camera comes. Thank goodness. It would have been so sad to not have any hospital pictures. The baby room is done. I can't wait to post pictures. I just need to get my camera going or I will have to post later when I get the pictures from Cortney's camera loaded. I just received the cutest sling. I'll have to post pictures later as well.

I went to the Dr's yesterday and nothing is going on. I did not want to be induced this time because I think that the Dr's and nurses can get C-section happy, but I found out my Dr will be out of town the first week of April. So we agreed that if I do not go natural by April 1st, I will get induced on April 1st before he goes out of town. I've heard of some ways to try to "safely" put yourself into labor. Any other suggestions?


Young Family said...

Hey Ipuna, I tried everything to naturally induce, but what ended up working for me what that gel stuff that they put on your cervix. It was quick and painless. I had it put on at 1 pm and was in full labor by 9 pm. Not bad. Ask your Doc about it.

stout family said...

I have black & blue cohosh if you are interested!

Ipuna Black said...

Never heard of that one Ashley. Might be contacting you.

Tiffany P. said...

Hey! So excited for you. Wow! So, my Dr. said not to, but I KNOW that jumping on the trampoline put me into labor. Just slow, easy jumps. I went into labor that night, 2 weeks early.

Michelle said...

I want to see a picture of the baby's room. I'm sure it's nice to have the room ready since he'll be here so soon.
=Good luck with natural inducing. You could always try what your Dr. suggested!