Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4th of July

I officially want to go to Blanding for every 4th of July! It was a lot of fun in that small town. We went up to the mountains for a cook-out. The dears almost walked right up to you in the mountains. We had a barbecue on the 4th and got to see a lot of family on K.C.'s mother's side. They always do boxing annually. Anyone that is crazy can box. They are supposed to pair you up by weight, but I don't think that always happened. There was a parade, and the kids got LOTS of candy. I just got rid of it all. Luckily Kobi's birthday is coming up, and I will get rid of it then :).
Kobi had fun with the cousins. He loves to play. He got to help his Uncle Shane with branding their cows. He was scared but loved it. He wrote his goals for the week down when we got home, and his goal was to check books out from the library about "farm work" and how to be a "cowboy". It was so funny. He kept telling me he had to go to the Flannery's (K.C.'s sister's husband's family) and to the Shumways (K.C.'s Aunt and Uncle) to do farm work at 5 in the morning. He really was excited about the animals.
Xayla just loved playing with all the boys.
Jy did very well. The drive is long, but he did pretty good. I slept with him all 3 nights. Never again. When we got back in town, he wanted to eat every 2-3 hours at night. It took about 3 days to break him from this. Next time, I will make sure he sleeps in the pack and play.
It was just so fun getting to see family and getting away from city life. The weather was so nice! I wore a light sweater for the fire works! The firework show was great! It was so late though (started at about 10 p.m.!).
K.C. also went to look for animals at about 5 a.m. for about 8 hours! Crazy. He enjoyed the company more then anything. We went swimming while they were in the mountains.
I can't wait until next fourth! We just have to see what is going on with K.C.'s work (Dental..yeah!)
It took me so long to post because I have been busy with work stuff.
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Michelle said...

That looked like a lot of fun. You packed so much into 3 days!

Cheyn said...

Hey! It was so good to see you guys during the 4th! Just sad we didn't get to see more of you. I think Garrin told me that when Kobi went to brand cows when he saw them all running he was yalling, "stampede"! Ha Ha your kids are so cute....I don't even think I got the chance to hold Hy time I will though. Oh and Happy Birthday!

jcmlpickup said...

Okay, so your family is so cute! I had to put the comment on this post because we started our little blog and I need to know how you got your pictures in the square thing...12 pics in that cute square?