Saturday, August 04, 2007


I took some pictures, but I will post those later.

So my big boy turned 8 yrs last weekend! I can't believe it. He is going into the 3rd grade this month. He is such a big boy now! He got baptized today, and we had his party today because we were out of town last weekend. He is such a good boy. He loves to be silly and to pick on his sister, but he usually always chooses the right.


Nichole said...

I can't believe how big he isnow. Thanks for the invite, sorry we didn't make it.

Ipuna Black said...

It's OK! We do need to get together and hang out again. Maybe a potluck lunch so the kids could play.

Michelle said...

That's so weird Ipuna... I know I commented on this posting but I don't see it.

Thanks for having us over for the baptism and party. Kobi was so cute at the baptism. I could tell he was taking it all in.

chanel said...

Oh my gosh sooooo much to get caught up on. CONGRATULATIONS on the BABY!!! YAY!! And kobi being baptized!! WHat a wonderfully fun time in your life!!! We're so happy for you guys.

Ipuna Black said...

Thanks Chanel.