(Some of our engagement pictures. Dental School has caused my husband to look finer. I know :))
So KC passed his BOARDS!!!!! Yes! Now just 2 more years of school left and one more board exam! Life is looking sweeter already! I am so excited that is is Father's Day (and I really should be in bed!!!). I think K.C. is such a great Father. Kobi made all of these things for him at school and before he went to bed he was so excited about giving him his gifts. He is sleeping with them right now, so that he could give it to him first thing in the morning. So cute. I am so glad that KC is my best friend! He is truly a good guy.
Now on my real Father. It's sad to say that I try and keep a relationship with him. He lived in Puerto Rico now with his wife that I won't say much about. My kids are his ONLY grandkids, and he doesn't ever remember their names, ages, or birht dates. Kind of sad, but you know what...it's OK. I am happy for my immediate family that I am blessed with. KC is the best Father to our kids. I never really knew what it was like to actually have a positive male role model in your life. I am glad my children will never experience that. Happy Father's Days to all the Wonderful Father's out there and to those who could try harder.
Sometimes it is easier to accept the bad when you have do much good! KC seems like a fun guy and a great dad to Koby. You can tell that he really looks up to KC.
He passed! Woo hoo!
Thanks Nichole. I agree. Kobi really looks up to KC and we have a great family. That is what matters.
Yes...I will agree KC is a good guy and always has been. (even in his tall slender years of high school)
He deserves you!
That's great that he passed his Boards. What a relief. What a nice tribute to KC.
Sorry to hear about he lack of communication with your Dad. I guess I never even realized that your Dad isn't in the picture. It's so good that Kobi (and Xayla) have a great father!
Thanks Jodie! I will tell KC that. He was VERY skinny in high school. Too skinny.
Michelle, Yeah, he is around when I call, but he never really calls me. I did call him for Father's Day to be nice. I didn't want to disappoiunt myself so I just called and didn't expect much. I was right...he aasked the kids names and ages again. What a loser, but I didn't expect anything more than that! My Mom's husband is nice. So at least the kids have 2 sets of Granparents no matter what. It's just crazy not knowing what it is like to have a Father, but I guess that is so common. I have been blessed with so much, so the glass is half full :).
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