Anyway, just wanted to post the latest Kobi thing.

Today was Fast Sunday (Hopefully Michelle clued you in on this Nichole :)) and I told Kobi that it was. He was helping me do the laundry. Then he stated, "Mom, why is today called Fast Sunday when it goes just as slow as every other Sunday."
I had to laugh. The things kids say. Now we need a family home evening on Fast Sunday.
Kobi is turning 8 July 28th. That means he will be baptised this summer! We took him to a baptism last night to watch. He said "I'm going to be fine." I am so excited. I can't believe he is getting big!
Today during fast testimony meeting, we had a few new converts to the church get up an bear their testimony. They were so excited! You could see the sparkle in their eyes and the innocence and conviction in their voices. It was really neat seeing how excited and blessed they stated they were. I had to bear my testimony because it just reminded me of how sometimes when everything is going well in our lives, we forget about our Heavenly Father. We kind of take it for grated. It made me really think about my spiritual walk. I know what it was like when I first became a nurse. I got so excited about every little thing. You forget that after a while. It was the same way when I joined the church. I felt like a new person. My eyes were opened to so many new things. I was actually a happy person. Over time, you get comfortable with daily living. Today, the new converts sparked that excited in me again. It's a wonderful feeling.
Michelle didn't fill me in, but I think I get the idea.
I know that I couldn't do it! I turn into a monster when I don't eat!
that's sooo funny! You should write down all the funny things he says.
It was nice to hear your testimony especially since we were baptised at almost the same time. It was such a great feeling when I was baptised too.
I wonder how different it is to be baptised at 8 or baptised as a convert. I want to go to Kobi's baptism so you'll have to remind me when it gets closer. That's so exciting.
OK. I will let you know. I think it is going to be the first Sat in Aug. at 10 am, but I will keep you posted when it comes sooner.
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