This little one just turned 2! I can't believe it! She is acting like it too. Mrs. Bossy pants. "Go away" "Stop it" and "No" are her favorite words. We had a party for her at the Hollywood park. She enjoyed having friends around. I am getting baby hungry, but we are waiting until K.C. is closer to being done with school. 2 more years! It will go by quickly. By then, Kobi and Xayla will both be such big helpers!
With a birthday comes none other than:

SHOTS! She was not happy about her Dr.'s appointment. She needed her 2nd Hep A shot. She held her arm for 2 days saying "Owe". I felt so bad.
What Dr. do you go to? The little gowns are cute!
Right now I have HPN insurance, so I go to Southwest Medical. Not my favorite people, but I did luck out this time with my doctor, Joy Hall. I think it kind of helps that I have some medical experience because for the most part, every Dr. I go to is really nice to me :). I used to go to South Valley Peds. by St Rose Hospital, but they do not accept my insurance now.
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