So the Rebels lost. Too bad. I guess it was good while it lasted.
Here is my 100 list of things you may or may not know about me:
1. My favorite color is red
2. I hate scary movies. They give me nightmares.
3. I have 4 sisters and no brothers.
4. I am half Korean and half Puerto Rican.
5. I have been to Puerto Rico twice, but never to Korea.
6. I have a deep desire to speak Spanish fluently. Right now it's broken Spanish.
7. I had 1 miscarriage.
6. My first kiss was in 9th grade during a truth or dare game.
7. When I tried to do what I thought was a kiss, I bit the guy. I have not idea how that happened.
8. I want to be crafty.
9. I don't have the patience to be crafty.
10. I love to read, but I do not have a lot of time to read.
11. My favorite books are:
12. Charley and the Chocolate Factory,
13. The Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,
14. and The Bridge to Terabithia
15. I want to write children's books one day
16. If I ever write one, I want to donate a large amount of the procedes to help children that are abused or neglected.
17. I want to have 2 more children.
18. I want to have another one now, but we are waiting until K.C. is done with school.
19. I played basketball and ran track in high school.
20. O.K. so I mostly sat the bench and jogged. I did run hurdles.
21. I moved 3 times in high school, so I attended 3 different high schools.
22. I was in student council in high school.
23. I would like to be a proffesional dancer for at least one week. I think it is amazing how they can use their body to speak.
24. I received best dressed in high school, but I am not a fashion person at all.
25. I do not like to shop much.
26. I am really interested in finance.
27. I like watching basketball.
28. I am allergic to cats.
29. I was born in San Antonio, TX.
30. I lived in NM before I moved to Las Vegas.
31. I hate rollercoasters.
32. I love the outdoors.
33. I would love to find the time to hike more.
34. I failed my driving portion of my exam once.
35. I can barely use chopsticks.
36. I am pretty good at Math.
37. My favorite shows right now are:
38. What about Brian and
39. The Bachelor (starting next week with that fine surgeon)
40. My favorite candy is M&Ms
41. I had my thyroid removed when I was 19, so I am taking a medication the rest of my life for it.
42. I cry when I am angry.
43. I became LDS in Jan 2001.
44. I lived in Sapin when I was little.
45. I want to live somewhere greener.
46. I want to visit Hawaii someday.
47. I love to sleep.
48. I do not like to cook.
49. I like the house clean, but I do not like to clean.
50. I can bake good banana bread.
51. I do not care if my clothes match.
52. I do not care about fixing my hair. I like ponytails.
53. I have a large scar on my right leg from when I fell through a glass door at the age of three.
54. I love fruit.
55. I love vegitables.
56. I do not like burgers or pizzas often.
57. I like going to the gym.
58. I like running.
59. I was 1st runner up in Miss Asian Universe when I was 16 years old.
60. I love long hair.
61. My hair is stringy.
62. I want to grow my hair real long and perm it.
63. I wish I was 5ft 10 in.
65. I tried to do some modeling when I was younger and then I realized I was too short.
66. I was on NBC once in a Magic Show with David Copperfield.
67. I was married for 8 months to my 1st husband.
68. I was remarried in the temple on March 15, 2003.
69. I attended senior ditch day because I wanted the extra credit and I think I had straight A's.
70. I love people that can sing. That is why I married my husband.
71. My husband proposed in Salt Lake City around temple square in a carriage ride.
72. It was my first time in Salt Lake City.
73. His cell phone went off during the proposal.
74. We went on a Mexican Riveria cruise for our honey moon.
75. We went horseback riding on our cruise.
76. K.C. and his horse fell off a 10 ft cliff on our first stop and the horse landed on K.C.'s leg.
77. I like to fish, and need to do it more.
78. I do not like to eat fish.
79. I love funny movies, and I love to laugh.
80. I am not a morning person.
81. I am not big into jewlery.
82. I am a horrible speller.
83. I love to teach.
84. But I love being a Mom more.
85. I never wanted to stay at home with my kids in the past.
86. I wanted to be a business woman
87. But now I long for the day when I can stay at home with them.
88. I have seen many children pass away at the hospital.
89. I love working with children.
90. My Mother was an Orphan at age 9 yrs in Korea.
91. She had a rough life.
92. I like to bake.
93. I love being married.
94. I have the best husband ever.
95. I love waterfalls.
96. I was really shy.
97. I like being by myself a lot.
98. My sister and I got trapped in an elevator when we were little.
99. I have never broken any bones in my body.
100. I used to like Rapp music, then Kobi started singing the words, and I actually listened to the words. I like the beat of some music, but now I listen to a lot of 94.1 and Country. I thought I would never do that.
This was soooo long. I started running out of things to say. OK I blogged enough for a long time.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Sweet 16

The Rebels are going to the Sweet 16! How exciting. The 1st time in 16 years. It is really fun watching basketball when they are actually winning. I know K.C. has waited for this for a long time.
On another note, K.C. and I went an watched Phantom of the Opera this weekend for our 4 year anniversay. It was REALLY good. I just feel guilty spending so much money on watching a show. We had a lot of fun and it was nice going on a date.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Mets Rookies
Xayla's 2 yr Birthday! 03/01/07
This little one just turned 2! I can't believe it! She is acting like it too. Mrs. Bossy pants. "Go away" "Stop it" and "No" are her favorite words. We had a party for her at the Hollywood park. She enjoyed having friends around. I am getting baby hungry, but we are waiting until K.C. is closer to being done with school. 2 more years! It will go by quickly. By then, Kobi and Xayla will both be such big helpers!
With a birthday comes none other than:

SHOTS! She was not happy about her Dr.'s appointment. She needed her 2nd Hep A shot. She held her arm for 2 days saying "Owe". I felt so bad.
Homemade Bows

Enrichment night was last night and we had a service auction. I won these homemade bows. They are so cute. I wish I was crafty. The bows inspired me (actually the crafty person that made them inspired me), and I went to JoAnne's today and bought some ribbon and clips. When I have time, I want to try and make some bows.
I also went to a girl in my ward, Kirsten's house and she showed me how to work this thing:

I had no idea even how to turn it on. The directions were confusing. It is so funny how you can be good in one area (for me it's school or books) and other areas do not come as easy (for me it's crafts). I think that crafts are so much fun, and I am interested in becoming craftier. I am trying. I stitched up a blanket that was torn. I had a hard time just making a straight stitch. I home practice will make my line straight! It was really fun and much better than grading papers.
Kirsten also made homemade playdo for the kids. I need to get her recipe because it is the best playdo EVER. I love crafty people.
What projects are you working on?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The Rebels are Going Dancin!

The UNLV Rebels are going Dancing this year! I did not know what that meant in the past, but now since I attend just about every basketball game, I know what that means! We won the Mountain Western Conference tournament. I am so excited for them.
If you look hard at the picture of the Coach cutting down the net, you can see K.C.'s big white head staring on. I had to rush the court too. I needed to experience this at least once in my life while I am still young. It was so much fun! I felt like I couldn't breathe, but it was worth it.
I have not had time to post much due to my time being taken up by grading many papers. This week is our anniversary (4 years!) and we are going to watch Phantom of the Opera. I am very excited to go on another date with my wonderful hubby. Well when I get a chance, I will post more pictures as well as try the 100 things you may not know about me.
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