Just taking care of these two mostly. I am still teaching the Vaient 11 year old girs. I only have 2 girls that I teach. They are so cute. I am also teaching full-time at CCSN in the Nursing Department. I was REALLY busy grading a lot of papers, so I had limited time to blog, but it has gotten better. I feel blessed that I have a job that I enjoy, I get payed well, but I am at home a lot. I was so nervous in starting this position, but I have really enjoyed my students. I still want to be able to stay home when K.C. is done with school. I might teach one clinical to keep my skills up, but I want to be at home when the children are little.
Some of my future plans are to teach again full-time when the kids are older.
I want to be fluent in Spanish.
I want to take some dance classes (ballroom, hip-hop, latin, or whatever). If I could come back to life and choose another career, it would be to be a professional dancer. I think it is amazing how people can speak through body language.
So, just some random thoughts. I am excited about Xayla's birthday on Thursday. She is becoming such a big girl. She is really into cats lately. She says "Now" when she is trying to say "Meow". It is so cute. "Go away" and "Stop it" are her other favorite words.
Kobi said the funniest thing yesterday (you can't tell K.C. if you see him). He has been stressed because he has an exam everyday this week. Yesterday he ditched part of church to go to the library to study. Kobi is going to be 8 years old this year and will be getting baptized. Well, Kobi said after church "Where is Dad?"
I told him, "He went to the library to study."
He said, "Does that mean he has the Devil in him? Because if he has the Devil in him, then he is not baptizing me. You know I am getting baptized this year. I won't let him baptize me if he has the Devil in him." It was so funny. I had to tease K.C. after I told him what Kobi said. Now I ask him sometimes "Do you have the Devil in you?" He laughs. He does feel really guilty for not staying for church since his son has his eyes on him!
I will try to blog more often!
hi! good to hear from you, sorry i haven't ben checkining on ya! That story about the devil in KC is HIALRIOUS!!!! Kids are a great gage in what right and wrong huh? So sorry to hear Dr. Laura was such a let down, but man it doesn't surprise me, shes such a hag! Everyone seems ot love her books which makes me wonder if she is really the author, she is sooo nasty, I can't believe she has anything good to say. You are a wonderful person-wife-mom you know exactly what you're doing! LOVE YA!
I like the new look of your blog. Did you design it?
You did some serious blogging!
Next you'll have to tell us how Xayla's party went.
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