Friday, September 01, 2006


Just a quick update on life:
K.C. has a break this week. Yes!

Kobi: Was at Jo Mackey. It was not all I thought it was cut out to be. We will just say he went to school for 1 day, then he was back at Iverson. Iverson is year round now, so he is on track one and will not start until Sept. 18th.

Xayla: She can now say shoe, baby, and eye. It is so cute.

Me: I haven't blogged in a long time because I felt like I was not getting enough done in one day so I started projects at the house. I repainted Kobi's desk blue and put sport balls on it. His room is decorated with a sport theme. I will have to post pictures later. I repainted Xayla's dresser white from brown and put fairies and knobs on it. I am proud of myself. It was a lot of work. Now I am going to paint my bedroom. Then, I am done with projects for a while. My sister tells me my bloggs are boring (I love my honest sister.), but I think boring is sometimes great because that means not a lot of drama in my life :). Well, I will post more later. Hopefully, some exciting things :).


Michelle said...

Gotta love sisters! Sounds like something my sisters would tell me. I like reading your blogs.

I'm glad everything is straighten out with Kobi's school. You have to go with what you feel is right.

Ryan said...

Hey! Jo Mackey??? I went there for 6th grade- why was Kobi going to go there? I taught at Iversonadn it is a really really good school. The principal is top knotch and the specials teachers are the best ever! I think you'll like it! Page can probably tell you about it too. Did she have her baby?

Cool projects! You must feel great! They sound cute!!! Way to go SAHM!

Ipuna Black said...

Page did have her baby. She asked for your blog site the other day because she wanted to see what was going on in your life. She had her son, Connor about 2 months ago. He is cute. I tried Jo Mackey because it was supposed to be a great magnet school. I should have done more research. Kobi went to Iverson last year. I liked it, but it was really crowded, so I wanted smaller numbers. Now that Iverson is year-round, the numbers are definately smaller. I am much happier. I did not know you taught there! What grade? That's cool! Thanks for the encouragement.