What has been going on? Well, I haven't been on the computer because I had the crazy idea that I needed to be more productive, so I decided to paint my office. What a pain in the neck that was. I had my friend come over, Sharon, to help me with colors (because I am not very good at that) then, she wanted to help me dejunk. I love her because she is very honest. We threw so much stuff away. I can not believe how much crap I had! It is funny because I save EVERYTHING! I think one day I will need it or one day I am going to scrapbook this. My friend was like one day nothing and was throwing things away like crazy. I am so glad because now I can actually see my office. It was a MESS before. I should have took before and after pictures. Once I got started I couldn't stop. I have been going through my whole house dejunking. I can't believe how much "stuff" I accumulated. I am already feeling much better with less junk.
On another note, K.C.'s birthday was on Sunday. he turned 27 years young :). I did not do anything special. I kind of feel bad. He is so sweet because he never expects anything. One day I want to do something Grand for him because he desires it and he will never know it's coming.
Kids are doing great. Xayla is starting to say "by-by" now. It is so cute. My whole mood is different this week. I have been loving staying at home. Kobi tells me tons of times a day that he loves me. Xayla cries if I have to leave anywhere. I just love my kids and my role in this point of my life. My role right now is as a wife and a mother. This is a great role. I am enjoying trying to work towards being the best wife and mother that I can be. I have a long ways to go :). My cooking is getting better. I am going to try Candace's bread this week. I dejunked my pantry this week as well. I love walking in the pantry and actually seeing what I have in it. Before, I would just buy more stuff because I had no idea what was is my pantry because it was a mess. Well, I am getting tired. Nothing else real exciting this way. K.C. has a week vacation the first week of Sept. I am excited. We are going to Utah to visit some of his family.
HI! I think I was in Vegas when you blogged about your job opportunity. Man what a hard choice, but I think money makes life easier NOT better. Candace and Michelle each gave you great advice, I love what they said. I really love this time of our lives, it will not be this simple forever, cherish it and focus on it (like I know you're trying to do) and you will always see the joy. Even in the hard times when there is no money, you are gaining experiences that make you a stronger more well rounded person. I am always more more inspired by people who did what was hard and right than people who did was easy. You are such a smart determined woman, you're brain will not go to mush, you'll use those skills and intelligence later in life, Im sure of it!
Nice job on decluttering! Feels great I know! What color did you end up painting?? I LOVE PAINT!!!
I like your word "dejunking." I remember Stacia saying that you had a lot of stuff when she helped you move but your house always looks so nice and organized!
I'm glad your feeling happier this week. See if you were still working a lot you wouldn't have time to dejunk!
Are you still coming tomorrow night?
I painted the office a butternut color and my "accent" wall (it seems funny to say that because I am not a decorator) a medium brown. I will take pictures when it is done. I should have posted a before and after shot.
Michelle, I will be there. Maybe with the kids because K.C. has finals.
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