Xayla is really into imagination. She talks to herself and reads (her reading) to herself. This is how I found her one night. What a princess.

Took the kids to the Atomic Testing Center on Flamingo. I had a coupon from the Entertainment Guide book, Kobi was on track break, and I wanted to do something educational. It was fun.

This hat is so out-of-line! I love it. It is so nice that we could dress our little ones the way we want and they have no idea. So funny.

This boy is getting sooooo busy. I think my mellow child is going away :(.

Took the kids to the Atomic Testing Center on Flamingo. I had a coupon from the Entertainment Guide book, Kobi was on track break, and I wanted to do something educational. It was fun.
This hat is so out-of-line! I love it. It is so nice that we could dress our little ones the way we want and they have no idea. So funny.
This boy is getting sooooo busy. I think my mellow child is going away :(.
This little girl loves to throw her hair side to side. I caught her on camera during ballet class. 

So, I think the best part of Valentines this year was that Kobi told me about 3 weeks ago, "Mom, I think I want a Valentine this year." I said, "Really. Who?"

Lexi made Kobi (OK we ate almost all of them, sorry :)) cookies.
His first Valentine. So cute. She is soooo smart too. Got to love that! Thank goodness he doesn't read my blogs. He would KILL me. He gets embarrassed so easily.

Kobi's gifts.

Kobi loves football right now. He plays corner (I'm not good with the terminology) right now.

He has been loving basketball as well. He is a fist pump after making a basket. He is hustling down for defense.

So, I think the best part of Valentines this year was that Kobi told me about 3 weeks ago, "Mom, I think I want a Valentine this year." I said, "Really. Who?"
He said, "Don't tell anyone. Lexi."
He really didn't want me to tell Dad because Dad is such a tease. He asked me almost everyday to buy something for her. He asked me constantly if Valentines was here yet. I gave her mother a heads up because I wanted to make sure Lexi was home when we came by. We had the camcorder and the camera. He wanted us to stay in the car, but oh no...we took the WHOLE family. It was soooo dang cute. Lexi looked adorable and Kobi came from basketball. He was too anxious to change. He wanted to come in a suit but did not want to change at the last minute. We are trying to grow his hair like Corbin Blue from High School musical. It's a lot of patience. 

Lexi made Kobi (OK we ate almost all of them, sorry :)) cookies.
His first Valentine. So cute. She is soooo smart too. Got to love that! Thank goodness he doesn't read my blogs. He would KILL me. He gets embarrassed so easily.
Kobi's gifts.
Kobi loves football right now. He plays corner (I'm not good with the terminology) right now.
He has been loving basketball as well. He is a fist pump after making a basket. He is hustling down for defense.
So we went to the Rebel game for Valentines. K.C. ate at Chipotle's and I picked up some food from a Japanese restaurant and met him at Chipotles. So funny. We had a good time. It was so nice of K.C.'s parents to watch the kids so we could have some one on one time. I got my camera in the mail, now I just have to figure out how to use it!