Wednesday, April 30, 2008
OK about K.C.'s teeth
Luckily he is in Dental School and he has some friends that want to work on him. About 2 weeks ago I decided to take the kids to the Dinosaur park, and I get a phone call from K.C.'s friend from Dental school on K.C.'s phone telling me that K.C. had passed out, started seizing, and had chipped some teeth. They were wheeling him to the ER (he was eating lunch at the UMC cafeteria luckily). I freaked out. I was breastfeeding at the park, Xayla was on the swing, and Kobi was playing. Jy decided to poop through his clothes and I did not have a change of clothes because I had not really been out and my diaper bag was lacking extra clothes. I drove to UMC with all 3 kids just to find out I couldn't see K.C. because kids were not allowed back. I left (also because I wasn't thinking..what was I doing with a 2 week old in UMC's ER? There were some scaring looking people there.) It ended up being just fine. K.C. had a CT (Cat Scan), and it was fine. What happened? Well, K.C. ate his food too fast. He ended up having "the biggest hiccup of his life" which caused him to have a vaso-vagal syncope (faint). He fell on his friend, but his friend thought he was joking around. Then he fell to the floor and after 15 seconds or so, started to shake. He then popped up and came to. He chipped 5 teeth when he fell to the floor. The seizing is what made me nervous. The Dr. just said that you can seize from the fall. I'm just glad he is OK, and that he was at UMC already. I just told him, you need to slow down eating. I was a wreck that day. I love him. He will just need some cosmetic work now :).
Monday, April 28, 2008
All about my Tall, Dark (OK maybe not Dark), and Handsome Stud Muffin

1. What is his name? Kline Calvin (K.C.) Black
2. Who eats more? DEFINITELY K.C. He usually eats all of his food and then the left overs from mine, Kobi's, and Xayla's
3. Who said I love you first? K.C. I said it maybe a week later because I was scared to be in a relationship. I had been hurt really bad once before (not by my honey).
4. Who is taller? With my heels? OK, it doesn't matter. K.C. is about 6'5 and I'm 5'4 on a good day.
5. Who is smarter? The IQ test we took said me by 1 point :). He is actually WAY smarter then me in math (math genius), and I think I am better in literature (but not in grammar).
6. Who is more sensitive? Me. I think he only acted sensitive to get me to marry him. The real K.C. came out later :).
7.Who does the laundry? Me. He helps at times.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed, K.C. He kind of sleeps on both sides of the bed. I just get a sliver of the left side of the bed :).
9. Who pays the bills? That would be me.
10. Who cooks more? Me. I can probably count on one hand how many times K.C. has cooked.
11. What meals do you cook together? Chocolate covered strawberries? Does that count?
12. Who is more stubborn? I don't think either one of us are stubborn.
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? I think we both do.
14. Who is more clean? Me, I like order for the most part.
15. Who has more siblings? It's a tie- we both have 4. K.C. is the oldest and I am the 4th.
16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I think it's pretty even, but K.C. makes the big decisions usually because most of the time I do not care. I usually make the little decisions, like where do we eat?
17. What do you like to do together? Hang out, watch movies, spend time with the kids, go to sporting events (anything Rebels :)) I like the outdoors, I am molding K.C..
18. Who eats more sweets? Depends. K.C. likes cookies and brownies. I do not like cookies or brownies that much. I LOVE candy.
19. Guilty pleasures? I love chocolate covered strawberries and pumpkin rolls. K.C. likes baked goods.
20. How did you meet? At the singles ward at the Institute on the UNLV campus. We knew each other for about 1.5 years before we dated. He got off his mission December 2000, and I got baptized January 2001. I wanted to go to medical school and was done with men (because I was judged greatly for being a single mom), and K.C. started studying with me at the library. The first time he asked for my number he put it on a napkin with 3 other girl numbers! He didn't even have the sense to turn the napkin over! That's K.C. What you see is what you get. He doesn't try to hide anything. That is what I love about him.
21. Who asked who out first? K.C. We went to lunch a couple of times while studying. Then one day he asked me to go to PF Changs for dinner.
22. Who kissed who first? K.C. kissed me first, I couldn't reach him otherwise :). It gave me butterflies.
23. Who proposed? K.C. did on a carriage ride in Utah. It was sweet. He sang to me as well. He is a GREAT singer!
24. His best features? His voice! His sense of humor, his heighth, a great communicator, his willingness to help me in any way that I need, his eyes, his teeth (but now he has 5 chipped teeth....another story).
25. What is his greatest quality? He would do anything to make sure that he could provide for our family. He is so friendly. He loves to have fun!
Tag? Michelle, Cortney, Ashley, Jodie, Nichole, Stephanie, Melissa
Saturday, April 26, 2008
3 kids
Friday, April 04, 2008
Jy K.C. Black
They say a picture is worth a thousand words! I was exhausted! Went in at 8 am and didn't have him until 11:59 pm. Ir was a long day. He and I are both healthy and that's what matters. He was 7lbs 6 oz and 19 in long. Born 04-01-08 at 1159 pm! We love him. I'm soooo tired!

It was nice having my Mom there.

It was nice having my Mom there.
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