Two posts in 1 day. A record for me. I have to get all my blogging in before the new teaching semester starts for me next week!
I had to work on New Years Eve, but the kids had fun with K.C.!

We were brave enough to try Brian Head as a family trip. It was not how I imagined. We spent more time I think trying to get our clothes on then Kobi spent skiing. Kobi went on the lift 4 times and then started crying for hot chocolate. Xayla cried almost the whole time. She wanted me to hold her. I thought we would play with the snow and tube a litte. It did not happen. She ended up taking a nap in the lodge on a bench on my lap for 45 minutes. I just watched people walk by. I should have brought a book. She did go outside and touch the snow a couple of times after her nap. The pictures were of course after her nap. It was cold. We are going to try it again next year. I hope I will be more comfortable since I will not be pregnant. We are not taking the baby of course. Heh, at least we tried :). It was difficult finding clothes for Xayla. We shopped around. Waterproof pants and gloves were the hardest to find. I found the gloves at Target and the pants at Mevyns.

They thought that this pose they did was soooo funny.

That's Kobi for you.

She is so skinny. Everything falls off her hips. I remember when it was like that before I had kids. Kids give you hips and a butt.

Love/Hate Relationship!