So, I want to first thank Michelle for warning us about the weather (cold and snow). We were well prepared. I also want to note that the Polar Express was very fun, but I am not sure if it is worth the price. I would be willing to do it every year if it was cheaper for what you get. Just my opinion. Kobi is older and was actually questioning many things. He did say that he saw the Real Santa because Santa had a Real beard. He also said "No one is going to believe me that I saw Santa!" Now some of the not so good highlights:
1. A child directly behind us threw up shortly after the train left the station. It smelt really bad for almost the whole ride. Not very pleasant. It was crowded too, so we really couldn't move.
2. Opportunity Village had way more lights than the North Pole. The movie and the book The Polar Express makes you think of LOTS of lights, for the price your pay, I think there should be more lights.
3. We had a baby in the room next to us the screamed almost all night long. It was sooooo loud. Also since almost everyone that goes to the North Pole stays at the same hotel, it was loud. There were always doors slamming and kids running down the hallway. Maybe we shouldn't have taken the bottom floor by one of the door entrances.
4. Someone that had the room before us thought it would be funny to set the alarm on the clock to go off at midnight. So we were woken up by the loud beeping alarm at midnight in between all of the baby crying.
Overall, it was great hanging out with the family. Xayla liked the ride to the North Pole, but she was ready to get off soon after. I'm just not sure if it is worth what it costs. Maybe it's better in larger groups? I think we are just going to take a family ski trip next year. Just my opinion.
I'll post pictures when I get around to downloading them.