Saturday, December 30, 2006


What's been going on this way? I will have to post some pictures. My sisters and cousin came into town. It was a lot of fun.
It has been nice having K.C. home for the holidays and not in school. We have been able to watch several movies. We just watched Annapolis last night. It was good.
K.C. bought me a stand alone mixer and a sewing machine for Christmas. I was shocked. He never buys me a present. It made me so happy. I know we can not really afford it right now, but I thought it was so sweet of him. It was nice to receive some money from family, which paid for the presents:).
Xayla has been loving to say "no". I tried so hard not to use that word around her because I knew that once she said it, there was no turning back. I was right. Everything is "no" right now.
Kobi is so cute. We have been teaching him about responsibility. K.C. tells me that I tell him what to do all the time. This does not allow him to grow up and be responsible. So the other night I told Kobi "Brush your teeth, change to your pajamas, and put chapstick on."
He said "Mom, remember what we said about responsibility?"
I said "Oh, I should say get yourself ready for bed and tell me when you are ready."
He said "Yep. I will."
I was so proud of him. I waited in my room until he got me, and he was all ready for bed. My baby is growing up. It is amazing how well he listens when we have serious conversations. I hope he does that forever. I heard kids lose their hearing when they turn 12. :)
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I am just working on New Years. At least I will be getting holiday pay. :) (And K.C. will be babysitting.)

Friday, December 22, 2006


Well I like the idea of the 12 days before Christmas lessons and all, but I think 12 days is too much. It has been really hectic around here. I feel like we are rushing through the lessons. It is also not as exctiting to open a present anymore. I think next time I will do 3 days before Christmas.

We went to the BYU versus Oregan Bowl game. It was so much fun! BYU won 38 to 8. I didn't like the fact that we had a big group of BYU fans in front of us dancing and drinking and smoking. I hate getting angry, but I got upset with this girl in front of me that kept dancing, spilling her beer, and then she stood on the bleachers. I felt like I stooped to her level by getting upset, but I had to tell her to calm down and sit her butt down. I was trying to watch a game. It created a little confrontation, but I ended up switching spots with someone else. It was much better. I was able to sit behind some kids. Take that stuff to a club. Watch the game.

My sister kicked my butt today. We went to the gym and she is a personal trainer in N.Y. (Linda), and she worked me to death. I can barely walk. It was fun. It is fun having family in town. My cousin and my other sister, Sonyo, are coming tonight.

I can't wait for Christmas to come. It is exciting. I am done buying stuff. I love it. I hate spending a lot of money. I am getting much better about separating needs and wants. I truly ask myself before I purchase something if it is a need or a want. This helps me to not spend so much.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Families and The Creation

I am so excited. I will have to post pictures later, but we discussed families and the Creation the last two nights. The kids loved it. We did a family prayer after. I feel like I making up for some of our family home evenings that have not been done :(.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Here is one of the presents and the envelope contains the lesson.
This is what I did:
12 gifts: Read the scripture references on the package and bear our testimonies of that gift in our lives. Then, have a family prayer. After family prayer, share treat inside (Or play with the toy). Dec 06 Ensign pg 12 Questions and Answers.

1. Creation (Genesis 1 and 2- used picture art)
2. Agency (Joshua 24:15)
3. The gift of love (love your siblings) (John 13:34)
4. Honesty (thou shall not lie)
5. Prayer
6. Charity (1 Corinthians 13)
7. Blessings (tithing) (Malichi 3:10)
8. Families
9. The Holy Ghost (baptism)
10. Eternal Perspective
11. The Resurrection
12. Christ�s Atonement (Christmas gifts all Year)

One example: from
Sharing Time: Christmas Gifts All Year
By Sheila E. Wilson
And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me. … I am the light, and the life, and the truth of the world (Ether 4:12).
Sheila E. Wilson, “Sharing Time: Christmas Gifts All Year,” Friend, Dec. 2004, 35More than 2,000 years ago Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. Joseph tried to find a place for them at an inn, but there was no room. They found a stable where Mary could give birth.
This was the first Christmas. There were no large family gatherings. There were no decorations. There were no brightly wrapped presents. But there were carols and singing and rejoicing. The angels in heaven joined in a great chorus of rejoicing and praise at the birth of the Son of God (see Luke 2:13–14). Heavenly Father gave us a great gift. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus gave us the gift of the Atonement and eternal life. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He gave the gift of a perfect example for us to follow. He showed us the gift of love and taught us to love one another.
We can also give gifts of service and love. Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). We can show our love for Jesus by keeping His commandments and serving others, not just at Christmastime but throughout the year.
Explain that through the atonement we have the opportunity to repent and be forgiven and what a blessing it is to rid ourselves of those heavy sins.

Gift Ornaments (I don't have the picture of the gift ornaments here.)
Cut out the gifts on page 34 along the solid lines. Write your own gift activity on the blank one. Fold on the broken lines; then tape the lids down. Punch a hole at the top of each gift, and attach string. Hang the gifts where you can see them. Every few days, open a “gift” and do the activity inside. Remember, you can give these gifts throughout the year!
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Here is our little countdown reindeer that we got from the dollar store. Posted by Picasa

I did OK on Kobi's hair :) It is definately not my expertise, but it will work. Posted by Picasa

We went and watch the Nativity play put on by the Church. I love going to this every year. You have to make sure you are early! I wanted to also add that I did it. It was a lot of work, but I started a Christmas tradition for our family (thanks to an inspiration from the Ensign magazine). I bought 12 inexpensive things (a small purse for Xayla, action figures for Kobi, cookies, etc.) mostly form the dollar store. I wrapped them up. I also bought a 12 days till Christmas little countdown thing. I placed 12 things we were going to discuss that were spiritual things. This well help us to remember the true meaning of Christmas. With all the rushing going on in the world and the excitement of presents, I wanted our family to remember the spiritual meaning of Christmas.  Posted by Picasa

Xayla has not been feeling well. Since she has started going to Nursery, it seems like she is sick every other week. It is hard when she is sick because she is in such a bad mood, and she wants you to hold her all the time. I do like the holding part. It is kind of a treat considering that she is such a busy bod now. Posted by Picasa

Kobi needed a hair cut in the worse way. I gave him one. I will have to show you a picture of his hair cut later. We had parent teacher's conference today. It went well. He is such a good boy. Posted by Picasa

We went to the Natural History Musem with the Laws from our Ward. It was a lot of fun. Posted by Picasa

Xayla did not like the hippos. Posted by Picasa

Here are the kids with Santa. Too bad Xayla wouldn't look at the camera. At least she wasn't screaming at Santa. She was scared of the Santa at our Ward dinner. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So silly, but Kobi liked it. Posted by Picasa

Here Kobi has them fighting. Posted by Picasa

I forgot to show you guys our imagination time action figures we made. Here is Boxman and Dew man. Kobi loved making them. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 27, 2006

There Linda is, with the other buff girls. Crazy, huh! Posted by Picasa

This is her now. I just had to show this. She did this in a matter of 8 months. She was in a body building competition in NY. She took 5th place. Posted by Picasa

This is Linda, my sister, before she hit the gym. Posted by Picasa

K.C.'s sister, Eryn, Sonyo, and Xayla Posted by Picasa

The day after Thanksgiving, we went to a Rebel game. Posted by Picasa

The Rebels finally won a game!  Posted by Picasa

Look how cute Dad and daughter look at the game. Posted by Picasa

Xayla's new glasses :) and K.C.'s sister Sara. Posted by Picasa

Here is My Mom, my Aunt, Sonyo, and myself. Posted by Picasa

Here is Sonyo and myself Posted by Picasa

There was a good article in the Dec. Ensign on Christmas traditions (pg 11). It was really neat. It gave several examples of some of the traditions these families did for Christmas. It gave me some ideas. I want my children to understand the true meaning of Christmas. I am going to try the one that talks about scripture references and treats 12 days before Christmas.  Posted by Picasa

Here we are on Thanksgiving day. My sister, Sonyo, came to town. We had so much fun. We ate at K.C.'s parents house for lunch and my Aunt's house for dinner. I was stuffed. I had to hit the gym nice and hard today. It was fun just hanging out. Yesterday, I made cinnamon rolls (turned out pretty good) and we watched The Polar Express. It was so much fun. We drank hot chocolate as well. I love the hoilday season. We bought several Christmas classic (Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, The Trumpet Boy), and we are going to watch them together as a family.  Posted by Picasa

A closer look at our tree. Posted by Picasa